Refr.: | Come, Holy Spirit, come! Come, Holy Spirit, come! |
1. | Come and make the world a better place, a place of grace. Come and make the world be one. Come and help us create peace on earth. |
2. | Come and fill our hearts with burning fire of desire. Come, enlighten our world. Come and help us create peace on earth. |
3. | Come and give us thoughts of understanding, never ending. Come and give us words of love. Come and help us create peace on earth. |
4. | Come and help us work for dignity, humanity. Come and help us stand for truth. Come and help us create peace on earth. |
5. | Come, inspire our imaginations and relations. Come, encourage our hope! Come and help us create peace on earth. |
6. | Come, give power to the seeds we sow, the deeds we show. Come, grant future to the world! Come and help us create peace on earth. |
Refr.: | Come, Holy Spirit, come! Come, Holy Spirit, come and fill the earth! |
7. | wie 1. |
Refr.: | Come, Holy Spirit, come! Come, Holy Spirit, come and fill the earth! |